What if there was no right decision?

On most decisions in your life, big and small, you’re probably spending more time and energy than you need to.

We all do it.

We want to make decisions that will increase our feelings of satisfaction and reduce our chances of regret.

We get convinced that there’s a right and wrong place to land on whatever it is we’re deciding. If we just turn it over enough times in our brains, look at it from enough angles, the correct answer will present itself.

The only problem with this is it doesn’t work.

It doesn’t work because it’s grounded in an untrue assumption—that there are verifiable right and wrong options, and it’s some sort of moral or intellectual failing if we choose incorrectly.

The only “wrong” decision is the one to remain undecided. And the only “right” decision is the one that moves you out of indecision.

As soon as you make a decision—any decision—your consciousness evolves. You grow.

Regardless of the outcome, deciding brings you a new set of information, thoughts, and beliefs. From there, you’re free to make your next move opposed to being stuck in the same place.

So regarding the matters currently weighing on your mind and heart, instead of “what’s the right decision?”, I invite you to ask a different question:

What would I choose if there was no right decision?

I don’t mean that in a “you can’t win” way. I mean it in a “you can’t lose” way.

It’s impossible for you to mess this up.

Given that, what’s your next move?

Sara Calabro

As a life and business coach, Sara specializes in reinvention. Her work helps people create and implement an inspired vision for their next act.


Doing is different from making