Try this to stop your thought loops

I just started a new training program on Positive Intelligence (PQ). I’ll be writing more about it in the coming weeks but today I wanted to share the most useful thing I've learned so far.

The program is about how to strengthen the part of your brain that serves you and quiet the part that sabotages you.

When we spend too much time lost in thought, recycling negative emotions and stressful situations, it reduces performance, increases anxiety, and inhibits decisive action.

One way to interrupt this pattern is to place your primary attention on a physical sensation. In the program, we're learning to do this for 10 seconds at a time.

Just 10 seconds of focusing fully on a physical sensation is enough to snap you out of auto-pilot and into self-command.

Examples include feeling your feet on the floor, following your breath, or noticing how your gums feel when brushing your teeth.

And my favorite—rubbing two fingers together!

It’s so simple but it works. I’ve been experimenting with it the past few days and have been surprised at how effective it is at halting my thought loops.

Try it.

Next time you find yourself lost in thought, take two fingers and rub them together like in the video. It helps if you close your eyes and move your fingers slowly.

Go so slowly and lightly that you can feel the ridges on your fingertips.

If you catch yourself drifting off into thought while doing this, it's okay. Just redirect your attention back to the physical sensation of your fingers.

I’m curious if you find this helpful. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Sara Calabro

As a life and business coach, Sara specializes in reinvention. Her work helps people create and implement an inspired vision for their next act.


The gap between knowing and doing


When things don’t go as planned