Energy Is Everything

Writing by Sara Calabro on raising your frequency

The two types of coaching
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

The two types of coaching

There are different styles of coaching. Transactional coaching is very focused on actions and involves a dynamic where the coach tells the client what to do. There’s also transformational coaching, which goes beneath the surface to address the root causes of what’s getting in your way.

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Project (don’t protect) your energy
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

Project (don’t protect) your energy

Resolutions force us out of our comfort zones and serve as evidence that we can do hard things. But, the popular idea that we must protect our energy in order to accomplish goals feels shortsighted. What if, instead of trying so hard to protect our energy, we focused on projecting it?

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Let yourself have a winter
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

Let yourself have a winter

Human beings are reflections of the natural world that surrounds us. We are part of the same ecosystem. As such, the qualities of a particular season should be reflected in all parts of that ecosystem. Nature provides us with a blueprint for how to be in winter. Slow down. Get quiet. Reflect.

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Are you at a crossroads?
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

Are you at a crossroads?

I recently made a discovery that kind of blew my mind because it confirmed my intuition about the intersection between coaching and Chinese medicine, and specifically Five Element acupuncture. Here’s why coaching is the best modality for navigating the crossroads moments of life.

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What life coaches do (and don’t do)
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

What life coaches do (and don’t do)

Life coaching is growing fast. Yet despite its increasing popularity, life coaching remains largely misunderstood. Here are some specific things life coaches do—and don’t do—to help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to go next.

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How to do EFT tapping
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

How to do EFT tapping

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a somatic practice of tapping acupressure points while focusing on a challenge in your life. The goal is to neutralize difficult emotions by sending your brain and body new signals. Here’s how to perform the standard EFT protocol.

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How EFT tapping changes your mindset
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

How EFT tapping changes your mindset

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is a simple practice that can change your outlook on life. It helps you explore and transform difficult emotions, which naturally starts dismantling the thoughts and beliefs behind those emotions.

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Low energy in Gen X women is its own thing
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

Low energy in Gen X women is its own thing

Gen X, the generation born between 1965 and 1980, is often described as “highly capable” and “fiercely independent.” These characteristics are usually offered as compliments but what they’ve actually done is produced is a lot of uniquely exhausted people, especially women.

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How seasons affect you: Summer
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

How seasons affect you: Summer

The seasons factor significantly into how we feel. Yet most of us forget we’re creatures who are influenced by the forces of nature. This makes us prone to lower emotional states and physical symptoms during seasonal transitions. Here’s what happens in summer.

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Wanting is different from yearning
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

Wanting is different from yearning

To “yearn” is to have an intense feeling of longing for something. If I ask you what you want, you could probably rattle off a list pretty quickly. But if I ask you what you yearn for, how would you answer? When I ask clients to sit with this question, it brings them a level deeper.

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The words you use matter
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

The words you use matter

Language—specifically, how you talk to and about yourself—is central to coaching. Putting your thoughts into words gives them power. Whether in writing or out loud, the words you use matter because they determine the frequency of whatever you're talking about.

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Are you the leader of your life?
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

Are you the leader of your life?

I work with leaders: entrepreneurs, managers, designers, producers, lawyers, filmmakers, and writers. These leaders are also partners, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and neighbors. Being a leader is not about your job or even your relationships.

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Resistance means coaching is working
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

Resistance means coaching is working

People don't hire coaches when everything's going perfectly. They hire coaches when something is off. People hire coaches to help them overcome or achieve something that they haven’t been able to on their own. For this reason, coaching by definition brings out resistance.

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What is energy coaching?
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

What is energy coaching?

Presence, passion, and purpose are key ingredients of a meaningful life, and yet, without energy, they become almost impossible to prioritize. Energy coaching is a form of life coaching focused on helping you unlock your natural vitality so you can thrive in a life you love.

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The power of micro decisions
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

The power of micro decisions

The decisions that have the biggest impact are not necessarily the ones we spend the most time thinking about. We tend to over emphasize the “big” decisions in life—what job to take, who to marry, where to live—when it’s actually the day-to-day decisions that matter most.

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Why sometimes coaching is better over the phone
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

Why sometimes coaching is better over the phone

In the past few years, and especially since the pandemic, video has become the default technology for engaging from different locations. I still conduct most of my remote coaching sessions over Zoom, but I’ve noticed that coaching on the phone has some advantages.

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The most important idea in coaching
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

The most important idea in coaching

When I decided to become a life coach, I had no idea how much I’d pull from my experience as an acupuncturist. The poking-people-with-needles part had to stop, but many of the foundational principles of acupuncture are surprisingly similar to those of coaching.

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How seasons affect you: Spring
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

How seasons affect you: Spring

The seasons factor significantly into how we feel. Yet most of us forget we’re creatures who are influenced by the forces of nature. This makes us prone to lower emotional states and physical symptoms during seasonal transitions. Here’s what happens in spring.

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How is coaching different from therapy?
Sara Calabro Sara Calabro

How is coaching different from therapy?

On the surface, coaching and therapy can feel similar. You talk, we listen. Often there’s some emotional discomfort involved. Usually the client is looking for help getting to a better place. However, there are important distinctions between these two modalities.

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