Energy Is Everything
Writing by Sara Calabro on raising your frequency
Being ready requires one thing
Is there something you’ve been wanting to do? Or try? Or say? Something that’s been on your mind or heart for a while but you never feel ready? Your “I’m not ready” stories separate you from the life you know deep down you’re capable of creating.
Make late summer about you
You’ve heard it a million times: Put on your oxygen mask first. Still, so many of us put other people’s needs before our own. We do it in our families and with friends, at work, even with acquaintances and strangers. Late summer is an excuse to prioritize yourself.
How to not regret your life
Two types of performance come up in coaching. One leads to external rewards. The other leads to internal turmoil. Many people arrive at coaching wanting improvements in the first type, yet addressing the second type is the unlock for achieving external results.
Who were you when you were young?
When we’re young, if we have an impulse to paint a picture or play an instrument or ride a bike, we don’t run it through a filter of what other people will think or how much money we could make doing it. We just do it. Who were you before fear and judgement clouded your view?
Turn back time to move forward
Ever wish you could turn back time? Unsay that sentence. Take that opportunity. Invest that money. Make that decision. Try that thing. Start that project. We wish we could erase or change moments from our past because we’re convinced it would put us in a better position today.
Stop keeping your options open
I’ve noticed something in my coaching practice: Reluctance to make decisions leads to suffering. My clients who struggle to take options off the table, to close certain doors, have a slower (and often more strained) progression toward their goals.
Are you holding on too tight?
We say we want things—and often complain when we don't get them—yet we don’t make space for them to come forward. Sometimes, the things we want are right in front of us. But we can’t see them because we’re too attached to routines, stories, and programming that keep us stuck.
Why it’s not too late
Ever get a new idea, a glimmer of something that excites or intrigues you, then dismiss it by telling yourself “it’s too late”? If you’re somewhere between your early 40s and early 60s, author Gwendolyn Bounds would tell you that’s your “midlife assassin” talking.
The number-one predictor of success
Scroll through social media or walk through a nice neighborhood and you may think success is determined by where someone goes to school, lives, or works. Or by their family, friends, or partner. These things might influence your likelihood of success but they don’t predict it.
How to find what you’re looking for
Life purpose can feel elusive. One of the best ways to find it is noticing when you feel lost. When we discover the path we're on isn't going where we want it to, we tend to feel anxious and blame ourselves. But getting lost is an intrinsic part of finding what you're looking for.
It’s time to make a true decision
Decision making is something that comes up often in coaching sessions. A lot of clients get stuck on making decisions because the "how" feels unclear. There are too many unknowns. Because unknowns are scary, it's easy to fall into a pattern of avoidance.
The cure for box-checker syndrome
Box-checker syndrome is a condition where your life feels like a never-ending list of boxes to be checked. The box-checking pattern is so ingrained that it’s difficult to loosen the grip long enough to examine the boxes and make sure you’re checking the right ones.
Why you keep getting stuck
Ever get a new idea and feel really excited about it, only to be completely disinterested a few days later? Or maybe you jump in, feel like you’re headed down the right path, start seeing some success... then suddenly you’re overwhelmed by all the reasons it won’t work?
You can change your life in one year
If you’re feeling lost, rejected, confused, sad, angry, defeated, scared, or hopeless because your personal or professional life isn't where you hoped it would be right now, I have a tip: Don't underestimate what you can accomplish in one year.
The best compliment you can receive
The best compliment is not what you think. It has nothing to do with how you look, or how much money you make, or how smart you are. Although often well intentioned, those types of compliments come from culturally conditioned thinking. This one is different.
How to get the most out of a coaching session
Once you’ve decided to take the plunge and try working with a coach, there are some important things to know so that you can get the most out of your sessions. Here are 4 things you can do to improve your chances of having a great coaching session.
This coaching tool will change your life
“Change your thoughts, change your life” is an adage that’s at the core of coaching. Coaching helps people change their life by changing their mindset. And there’s one tool that underlies all the different forms of mindset shifting used by coaches.
What to expect in a coaching session
Coaching is becoming more mainstream. Yet relative to other modalities, it’s still unfamiliar to many people. Every coaching session is different, however, there are some things you’re likely to encounter in most one-on-one coaching sessions. Here's what to expect.
How to figure out what you really want
Ever feel like you want things to be different but can’t pinpoint exactly how? Know you’re meant for more but have no idea where to begin figuring out your destiny? If you have a sense that your life isn’t quite what it could be, this coaching tool can help.
What does it mean to live in your element?
You’re probably familiar with the phrase “in your element.” It’s when you’re doing something that naturally suits you, that comes easily and makes you happy. That’s an aspect of what I mean when I refer to living in your element, but I also mean it literally.